Kelowna's Sign Professionals for Over 35 Years

1/4" thick aluminum letters/numbers, mounted on 1/2" spacers to enhance the 3-D look.

Router-cut aluminum letters pin-mounted to client's landscape rock.

3-D letters on feature wall with large pressure-sensitive vinyl "M" background.
3-D letters and logos are just what the name implies. They are made from various materials of varying thickness thus have height, width and (the third dimension) DEPTH.
Our 3-D letters may be molded plastic, laser-cut acrylic, CNC router-cut aluminum or plastic, as well as other materials, and range in depth from 1/8" to over 2". 3-D products may be mounted flush to walls or with stand-offs to provide a look of greater depth and shadowing.
The team at Prosign will be happy to show you samples and assist in deciding what is right for your needs and your budget.