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Kelowna's Sign Professionals for Over 35 Years
The term "wayfinding" is used by architects and sign companies to broadly define those signs, graphics and other items that help clients and visitors to buildings, stores, hotels and offices find their way through what may otherwise be a very confusing maze of hallways, doors, elevators, entrances and exits.
Prosign offers custom solutions for smaller offices and store environments as well as wayfinding and directory "systems" for larger office buildings, hotels, schools and hospitals.
Click on the "Link" at the bottom of this page to see more examples and details.

It can be frustrating trying to find your way through even a small office building. Simply adding an office number and name on the door, plus a nice feature wall logo will let your clients know they are in the right place.

In larger, multi-story buildings, the necessity for wayfinding information starts in the lobby, or even outdoors, with an easy-to-understand directory. Additional, smaller, directories may also be required on each floor or at each hallway.

In hospitals and other public buildings, the wayfinding needs may be more basic, but certainly no less important!

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